Monografias Prontas It is important to remember that all the work points established by the student in his summary need to make sense within the general context of the research that will be carried out. That is, the items chosen to compose the summary need to be interconnected in support of the central objective of the research. This same logic must be repeated when structuring the definitive chapters of the Monografias Prontas text The chapters need to be structured in a way that make sense of each other, and especially so that your content has a response to the research problem.
Therefore, the topic should be well delimited, allowing the student to explore the maximize the existing arguments on the issue, bringing, as far as possible, elements of reality that make it possible to prove its hypothesis (the answer to the problem). It should be noted that several other aspects distinguish scientific work from legal-procedural piece. One of the main elements is language. The language used in scientific works must value the objectivity, clarity and concreteness Monografias Prontas . It means that the author of a scientific text should avoid what is commonly called "juridiques", using a language that, although it is also formal and in accordance with the standard of the learned norms of the Portuguese language, is accessible to the scientific community Monografias Prontas . Another aspect worthy of consideration is the argumentative structure of both texts. As a rule, the construction of a legal-procedural piece is based on the direct choice of the ...
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